Hisviks was so kind to nominate me along her readers for this award.

Here are the rules for this award.

1) You must thank the person who nominated and include a link to their blog:

2) You must list the rules

3) You must add 7 facts about yourself;

4) You must nominate 15 other bloggres and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated

5) You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Seven ( 8) things about me:

1) ” I love life” is my motto. I’m a very optimistic and outgoing person.Nothing gets me down! I find good in every situation!

2) Whenever I have the chance I  like to travel with my family and friends. I’m always hoping to win the lottery so I can live my life without worries on a yacht travelling the seven seas(I Wish!).

3) I’m an environmentalist in fact I’m teaching my three children to respect this beautiful planet we live in.

4) I’m very fond of animals too! I’ve got a dog, four cats, a bunny, a turtle and eight hens ( I live out in the countryside, it would impossible to have all these animals living in an appartment).

5) I love to read especially FanFiction! I’m always discovering new talented writers All Eric/Sookie stories are ver welcomed !I’m a night owl in fact I read these stories at the most irregular hours.

6) I volunteer in several charitable organisations especially abused victims of domestic violence and their children.

7) I love to cook! Every two weekend y husband and I organise dinners for our friends and once on one of our dinners we had 66 guests1 Maybe you will think I’m a little bit crazy to cook for all these people but what can I say I enjoy life!.

8) I’ve got another hobby : I study foreign languages now I’m studying French and maybe next year I’ll start to study Swedish ( for my obsession of Alexander Skarsgard).

Here are my nominees







Queen of area five












Sunset queens

There are so many other writers I would like to nominate but the list will be so long…